Alpine Sky

from Meadow 1

The crunch of your boots on fresh snowfall in the mountains, bright blue sky, cold air in your lungs with the promise of a clear day ahead. Notes of mountain juniper, Swiss aronia berry and cooling mint, invigorate your senses.

The perfect base for alcohol-free long drinks & cocktails.

Mix suggestion
With Tonic, garnish: juniper berries

Contains only the best botanicals:

Taste: Lavender is reminiscent of laurel, rosemary, camphor and bergamot

Scent: sweet, floral and flowery with a note of lily of the valley. Lime, citrus and bergamot scents, as well as notes of sandalwood

In a sunny location, lavender produces its unmistakable fresh scent, which is particularly appreciated by bees, bumblebees and butterflies. The Romans used lavender primarily as a precious bath additive. This is indicated by the name, which originally comes from the Latin  lavare (=to wash). Incidentally, in Switzerland, lavender used to be referred to as “washing herb”.
Tasmanian pepper

Tasmanian pepper

Taste: Peppery, earthy, aromatic, fresh

Scent: resinous, reminiscent of pine needles, floral-sweet

On the palate, the Tasmanian pepper first presents itself with a warm, slightly sweet aroma, which later gives way to a warm feeling on the tongue.


Taste: Tart, aromatic

Scent: Intensely fruity

The plant is often found in bee pastures and is very attractive to wild bees.

The black currant is considered the healthiest berry because it is full of antioxidants and vitamins.

The French abbot Pierre Bailly de Montaran recommended the dark fruit in 1712 as a guarantee of a long and healthy life. But his secular compatriots did not only appreciate the blackcurrant because of its medicinal talents: They invented the famous liqueur crème de cassis near Dijon in 1841, which is still used to enhance cocktails today. 

Angelica root

Angelica root

Taste: bitter notes, sweet, subtle nutmeg flavor, sweet and sour taste. The aroma is reminiscent of aniseed, parsnip, or celery

Scent: spicy-minty, piney, sweet and musky

During the flowering period, the plant is swarmed by bees and butterflies.
Angelica root grows in moist meadows and favors nutrient-rich clay soils in Switzerland.
Aronia berry

Aronia berry

Taste: delicately tart, sweet, sour

Scent: the flowers are fragrant and are very attractive to bees and other pollinators. It is mainly grown in Switzerland. It thrives particularly well in locations with high soil and air humidity, but also grows on stony, barren soil on slopes.

The Aronia berry is touted as a local super berry / superfood with an exceptionally high content of secondary plant compounds.

Juniper berry

Juniper berry

Taste: woody, fresh and resinous, flowery, slightly sweet aroma with a hint of peppery spiciness

Scent: warm, spicy, smells of conifers and resin

The juniper is also called the cypress of the north, it can present itself as a shrub, sometimes as a tree up to 15 meters high. It tolerates deep sub-zero temperatures and gets by with little moisture.
This coniferous plant is at home throughout the northern hemisphere and occurs in Switzerland at altitudes of up to 3,000 m.