Citrus Fields

from Meadow 4

A warm late summer day, fresh mown hay smell in the air, looking over the countryside as the sun sets. With flavors of tangy lemon zest, citrus lemon balm, and Swiss elderflower.

The perfect base for alcohol-free long drinks & cocktails.

Mix suggestion
With Tonic, garnish: fresh mint leaf 

Contains only the best botanicals:

Choose your local shop



Dandelion root

Dandelion roots

Taste: bitter-sweet, slightly tart, spicy

Scent: earthy

Dandelion flowers have a magical attraction on honeybees.

For a long time, the ground roots of the dandelion, like chicory, were considered a substitute for coffee in Switzerland.


Taste: sweet with a subtle hint of musk

Scent: sweet, fruity, smelling of summer and happiness

In general, elderflower / elderberry attracts a range of pollinators including bees.

In the Alps, elderflower occurs up to an altitude of 1200 m. Today there are around 25 hectares of elder meadows in Switzerland, mainly used to produce flowers for tea and syrups.

Coriander seeds

Coriander seeds

Taste: strongly lemon-like with a tart freshness, musky

Scent: sweet-spicy and woody to peppery-floral. Flowery floral fresh scent, smelling a little like rose, lavender and nutmeg. “Floral” nose like the Muskateller wine variety

With its white flowers, the coriander plant is a favorite of wild bees and other insects.
Lemon thyme

Lemon thyme

Taste: lemony, invigorating, and spicy

Scent: fresh citrus notes, sweet and spicy

Our honeybees are little gourmets too and know exactly what tastes well! The sweet scent of lemon thyme blossoms magically attracts honeybees and gives them plenty of pollen and nectar. Lemon thyme thrives particularly well in sunny, high locations; in Switzerland, the plant grows mostly in the Emmental Region.
Lemon balm

Lemon balm

Taste: lemony refreshing, floral, with woody hints

Scent: distinctly lemony and aromatic

Lemon balm has been known for over 3,000 years: “mel” is an ancient Greek root word and appears in many languages to designate honey: miel, miele. Even then, Swiss beekeepers grew lemon balm for their bees and rubbed new hives with lemon balm as an attractant.
In sunny locations in Switzerland, lemon balm occurs naturally up to an altitude of around 1,000 m.